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  • fancunxia09     turns out I don't need a medal

    • 好人不需奖牌肯定

    • from:《无敌破坏王》

    2019-05-16   0赞       0踩       0浏览 评论(0)
  • fancunxia09     to stink brain

    • 萝莉的爱心奖牌

    • from:《无敌破坏王》

    2019-05-15   5赞       0踩       0浏览 评论(0)
  • fancunxia09     we'll be put out of order for good

    • 云妮不能参加比赛

    • from:《无敌破坏王》

    2019-05-14   2赞       0踩       0浏览 评论(0)
  • fancunxia09     glitches can't leave their games

    • 萝莉的苦楚

    • from:《无敌破坏王》

    2019-05-13   2赞       0踩       0浏览 评论(0)
  • fancunxia09     it's one of the joys of being me

    • 萝莉的苦楚

    • from:《无敌破坏王》

    2019-05-13   4赞       0踩       1浏览 评论(0)
  • fancunxia09     all you got to do is break something for me

    • 大叔和萝莉成为朋友

    • from:《无敌破坏王》

    2019-05-12   2赞       0踩       1浏览 评论(0)
  • fancunxia09     just go back to your own dumb game

    • 破坏王想要回奖牌

    • from:《无敌破坏王》

    2019-05-11   3赞       0踩       0浏览 评论(0)
  • fancunxia09     the rules are there for areason

    • 云妮被坏女孩欺负

    • from:《无敌破坏王》

    2019-05-10   4赞       0踩       0浏览 评论(0)
  • fancunxia09     it's my ticket to a better life

    • 云妮是个淘气包

    • from:《无敌破坏王》

    2019-05-09   2赞       0踩       0浏览 评论(0)
  • fancunxia09     you probably want to stand back

    • 大叔遇上神烦萝莉

    • from:《无敌破坏王》

    2019-05-08   2赞       0踩       0浏览 评论(0)
  • fancunxia09     I'm a wrecker

    • 破坏王的自我介绍

    • from:《无敌破坏王》

    2019-05-07   3赞       0踩       0浏览 评论(0)
  • fancunxia09     I knew we'd be talking for a long time

    • 爱情之树长青

    • from:《怦然心动》

    2019-05-06   5赞       0踩       0浏览 评论(0)
  • fancunxia09     the apple doesn't fall far from the tree

    • 口是心非

    • from:《怦然心动》

    2019-05-05   0赞       0踩       3浏览 评论(0)
  • fancunxia09     it's about honesty

    • 做人要诚实

    • from:《怦然心动》

    2019-05-04   3赞       0踩       1浏览 评论(0)
  • fancunxia09     the way she ignored me is a constant reminder

    • 鸡蛋风波

    • from:《怦然心动》

    2019-05-03   3赞       0踩       0浏览 评论(0)
  • fancunxia09     it was a bargain

    • 风雨无阻的礼物

    • from:《怦然心动》

    2019-05-02   6赞       0踩       0浏览 评论(0)
  • fancunxia09     I never want to forget how you felt

    • 女儿是爸爸前世的情人

    • from:《怦然心动》

    2019-05-01   2赞       0踩       2浏览 评论(0)
  • fancunxia09     the whole being greater than the sum of its part

    • 父女交心

    • from:《怦然心动》

    2019-04-30   4赞       0踩       0浏览 评论(0)
  • fancunxia09     the higher I got the more amazed I was by the view

    • 他让我如此着迷

    • from:《怦然心动》

    2019-04-29   5赞       0踩       0浏览 评论(0)
  • fancunxia09     I could't get enough of it

    • 初遇他 怦然心动

    • from:《怦然心动》

    2019-04-28   2赞       0踩       0浏览 评论(0)


粉丝 26关注 0


