• 雪鹅     一起读英语杂志

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    How This Family Of Worrywarts Copes In An Age of Family (这个自寻烦恼的家族怎样应对焦虑的时代)
    My younest son ,who is ten ,has long had an obbession that crops up whenever we get in the car .As he climbs into the back seat he will peer over my shoulder at the dashboard and ,depending on his mood ,may ask the question we both know he is thinking “Are we going out of gas ”.
    obsession /əbˈsɛʃən/困扰人的念头
    crop up 出现,发生
    peer /pɪə/ 仔细观看
    shoulder /ˈʃəʊldə/ 肩膀
    dashboard /ˈdæʃˌbɔːd/ 汽车仪表板
    My youngest sister -his aunt ,is a therapist and the wise woman who taught me the possible- probable trick .And so i say to my son “It is possible for our subaru to run out of gas when it has half a tank and we are only driving two miles to Costco and back ?pehaps .But it is definitely not probable .”Possible vs probable (很可能发生但实际不会发生的)When applied in the right cricumatance ,it almost always gives you the right answer ,Even better ,it gives you the felling that you are in control .
    possible /ˈpɒsɪbəl/ 可能发生
    probable /ˈprɒbəbəl/ 很可能发生
    trick /trɪk/ 技巧,窍门
    tank /tæŋk/ 桶装,一桶的量
    Costco 好市多,是美国最大的连锁会员仓储量贩店,2015年成为仅次于沃尔玛的第二大零售商
    circumstance /ˈsɜːkəmstəns/ 情境 情况,条件
    When your son is ten ,his worries seem quaint :little kids,little problem ,But his older brothers ,who are 19 and 22,are big kids now, with their big kid problems stretching into their youngest sibling 's understanding of the word the way their long legs strech clear under the kitchen table at dinner .When I recently took his eldest brother to the emergency room for what turned out to be a stomach virus ,my younest asked ,“Is he going to die ?”.

    quaint /kweɪnt/ 新奇有趣的
    stretch into 舒展到 伸展到
    sibling /ˈsɪblɪŋ/ 兄弟姐妹
    emergency /ɪˈmɜːdʒənsɪ/ 突发情况,紧急的
    turn out 结果是
    stomach virus 胃部病毒感染



    1970-01-01   5赞       0踩       163浏览 评论(3)
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