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    At Least 235 Killed In Egypt As Militants Attack Sinai Mosque(武装分子袭击埃及西奈清真寺,造成至少235人死亡)
    第一段:There were conflicting accounts of how the attack unfold .Some witness said a bomb was detonated at the mosque's main gate,prompting a paincked for the exits .Others did not report hearing an explosion but said at least three attackers broke into the mosque ,locked the doors and started firing on those inside.
    conˈflicting /kənˈflɪktɪŋ/ 冲突的,抵触的
    unfold /ʌnˈfəʊld/ 展示,透露
    detonate /ˈdɛtəˌneɪt/ 爆炸,引爆
    detonate /ˈdɛtəˌneɪt/ 逃避,躲避
    panicked 恐慌

    第二段:As worshipers tried to flee.more gunman were lying in wait (埋伏)

    第三段:“The mosque (清真寺)has two exists, and two both were covered by the terrorist ,who were parked in cars and stared firing at everyone who tried to escape .”said a local resident who wasn't inside the mosque during the attack but rushed there to help.Like others interviewed ,he asked to be identified by only his first name ,Tariq ,for fear of retribution .
    😃terrorist /ˈtɛrərɪst/ 恐怖分子
    park /pɑːk/ 等候
    interview /'intəvju:/访谈者
    identity /aɪˈdɛntɪtɪ/ 显示,说明身份
    retribution /ˌrɛtrɪˈbjuːʃən/ 报应

    第五段:“It was a horrible scene ,there was bodies everywhere ”said another witness ,Mathmoud,who also arrived soon after the attack and spoke with survivors .“They first shot(射击) at those praying inside ,then onto the ablution (净礼区) area and killed those in there as well .


    1970-01-01   5赞       0踩       230浏览 评论(9)
女 入行配角lv20


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