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    • from:《未知》

    The weaker sex
    The weaker sex(日渐式微的性别)
    Blue-collar men in rich countries are in trouble.They must learn to adapt.(富裕国家的蓝领男性正在处于困境当中,他们必须想办法去解决)
    At first glance the partriarchy appears to be thriving .More than 90%presidents and Prime minister are male ,as are nearly all big corporate bosses .men dominate finance,technology ,films ,sports,music and Even stand up comedy.In much of the world
    They still enjoy social and legal privileg simply Because they have a Y chromosome .So it might seem odd to worry about the plight of the men.
    patriarchy 英 / 'peɪtriɑːki /n父权制
    corporate / 'kɔːpərɪt /adj公司的,法人的
    dominate / 'dɒmɪneɪt /v支配,控制privilege 1 n/ 'prɪvɪlɪdʒ /n.v特权

    Yet there is plenty of cause for concern.Men cluster at the bottom as well as the top.There are far more likely than women to be jailed.estranged from their children, or to kill themselves.They earn fewer university degrees than woman. Boys in the developed world are 50% more likely to flunk basic maths,reading and science entirely .
    cluster /ˈklʌstə/ n,v群,束,簇;群,组
    bottom /ˈbɒtəm/ n底部,adj尾端的
    estranged /ɪˈstreɪndʒd/ adj 疏远的
    flunk /flʌŋk/ n不及格,不通过

    One group in particular is suffering.Poorly educated men in rich countries have had difficulty coping with the enormous change in the labour market and the home over the
    past half century.As Technology in
    and trade have devalue brawn,Less educated man have struggled to find a role in the workplace.Women,on the other hand, are surging into expanding senctors Such as health care and education, helped by their superior skills.As education has become more important, boys has also fallen behind girls in school(expect at the very top).Men who lose jobs in manufacturing often never work again, and men without work find it hard to attract a permanent mate.The result, for low skilled men, it's a poisonous nice combination of no job ,no family ,and no prospect.
    enormous /ɪˈnɔːməs/n巨大的,庞大的
    devalue /diːˈvæljuː/ v贬值
    surging into 涌入
    superior /suːˈpɪərɪə/ adj更好的
    poisonous /ˈpɔɪzənəs/adj 有毒的
    乍看之下,父权社会似乎欣欣向荣,和几乎所有大公司的老板一样,超过90%的总统和总理是男性,男性主宰了金融,技术,电影运动甚至是单口相声.在世界上绝大多数地方,他们一定享受社会和法律的特权,仅仅是因为他们拥有一条y染色体,所以担忧男性的困境看上去很奇怪 。

    1970-01-01   4赞       0踩       325浏览 评论(3)
女 入行配角lv20


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