• LeahLuo     英文歌曲赏析之 50 Ways To Say Goodbye part 1

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    关注微信公众号:LizhiFM2635584, 获取语音讲解!

    配文分为两部分:1. 歌词部分;2. 逐句理解部分(干货干货,不掺水的干活啊!划重点啦~)

    1. 歌词部分:

    My heart is paralyzed

    My head was oversized

    I'll take the high road like I should

    You said it's meant to be

    That it's not you, it's me

    You're leaving now for my own good

    That's cool, but if my friends ask where you are

    I'm gonna say

    She went down in an airplane

    Fried getting suntan

    Fell in a cement mixer full of quicksand

    Help me, help me, I'm no good at goodbyes!

    She met a shark under water

    Fell and no one caught her

    I returned everything I ever bought her

    Help me, help me, I'm all out of lies

    And ways to say you died

    关注微信公众号:LizhiFM2635584 获取语音讲解!

    2. 逐句理解部分(没错干货来了!)

    My heart is paralyzed

    paralyzed:paralyze 的 过去式;adj. 瘫痪的,麻痹的

    My head was oversized

    over:过于...... + size:尺码,大小

    I'll take the high road like I should

    high road:公路,高速公路

    You said it's meant to be

    meant to be:命中注定

    That it's not you, it's me

    这里指:女孩对男孩说 “ 是我的问题 ”

    You're leaving now for my own good

    for my own good:为了我好

    That's cool, but if my friends ask where you are I'm gonna say

    that's cool:在口语中有时用来表示:好吧,就这样吧
    gonna = going to

    She went down in an airplane

    went:go 的过去式
    went down = go down:向下去(这里指飞机坠毁)

    Fried getting suntan



    fired:fire 的 过去式

    Fell in a cement mixer full of quicksand

    fell:fall 的过去式 fall:落下,摔倒
    fell in = fall in:坠入......
    造句:fall in love 翻译:坠入爱河
    cement:水泥 mixer:搅拌机
    cement mixer:混凝土搅拌机

    Help me, help me, I'm no good at goodbyes!

    I'm good at = I + am good at = I + be good at
    be good at + doing/ +sth.:擅长做某事
    be good at singing:擅长唱歌
    be good at swimming:擅长游泳
    no 表否定, 所以这里是 不擅长......

    She met a shark under water

    met:meet 的过去式 meet:遇见
    造句:nice to meet you. 翻译:很高兴遇见你

    Fell and no one caught her

    caught:catch 的过去式 catch:抓住
    no one:没有人

    I returned everything I ever bought her

    returned:return 的过去式 return:返还,退掉
    bought:buy 的过去式
    造句:I buy her some flowers.

    Help me, help me, I'm all out of lies

    out of sth.:用完了......
    造句:out of paper 翻译:没有纸了

    lies:lie 的复数形式 lie:借口,谎言

    And ways to say you died
    died:die 的过去式 die:死亡

    关注微信公众号:LizhiFM2635584 获取语音讲解!


    1970-01-01   0赞       0踩       322浏览 评论(0)


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