• LeahLuo     英文歌曲赏析 mean part 2

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    微信搜索:LiZhiFM2635584 里面有完整的语音讲解哦!


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    1. 歌词部分

    You, with your switching sides and your wildfire lies and your humiliation

    You have pointed out my flaws again, as if I don't already see them

    I walk with my head down trying to block you out cause I'll never impress you

    I just wanna feel okay again

    I bet you got pushed around somebody made you cold

    But the cycle ends right now cause you can't lead me down that road

    And you don't know what you don't know

    2. 逐句分析部分(干货部分到咯~) 微信搜索:LiZhiFM2635584 里面有完整的语音讲解哦!

    You, with your switching sides and your wildfire lies and your humiliation
    sides(side)边;one side and the other side: 这边或那边
    switch:开关;转换 switching sides:来回变化的立场
    humiliation(humiliate 的名词形式)蒙羞;丢脸

    You have pointed out my flaws again, as if I don't already see them
    point out(point:指 out:外面)指出
    flaws(flaw)缺点,瑕疵 flawless(-less:无,没有) This diamond is flawless. 这颗钻石无可
    as if:好像

    I walk with my head down trying to block you out cause I'll never impress you
    head down(head:头 down:向下)低着头
    block out(block:街道:3 blocks away;阻挡,阻止)阻止某人

    I just wanna feel okay again
    wanna= want to (I want to drink some water. = I wanna drink some water.)

    I bet you got pushed around somebody made you cold
    bet:打赌 push around(push:推;pull:拉 around:周围;look around:四处看看)
    pushed 在这里被动语态
    made 是 make 的过去式
    cold:寒冷的,这里引申指 使某人伤心,使某人心灰意冷

    But the cycle ends right now cause you can't lead me down that road
    cycle:循环,圈 bicycle(bi- 2个的,双重的:bilingual 双语的 ; bilingual education 双语
    教育) 两个圈的车=自行车
    lead:指引,引领 leader:公司领导
    that road:那条路 这里指 之前说的恶心循环的状态

    微信搜索:LiZhiFM2635584 里面有完整的语音讲解哦!

    1970-01-01   0赞       0踩       80浏览 评论(0)


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