• Deng_47     跟着Modern Family积累日常表达S5E8_01

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    分享、积累、坚持 2017-3-12

    1、Get her off of me. 让她离我远点。


    a. if you learn facts or understand ideas by osmosis, you gradually learn them by hearing them often 耳濡目染,潜移默化
    • He seems to absorb information through a process of osmosis. 他似乎是通过耳濡目染来吸收信息的。
    by osmosis
    • Children learn new languages by osmosis. 儿童在耳濡目染中学会新语言。

    b. technical the gradual process of liquid passing through a membrane【术语】 渗透(作用)

    3、figure it out 弄明白;搞定它

    n. 痉挛,绞痛;[五金] 铁夹钳
    vt. 束缚,限制;使…抽筋;以铁箍扣紧
    adj. 狭窄的;难解的;受限制的

    5、work out

    a. PHRASAL VERB If you work out a solution to a problem or mystery, you manage to find the solution by thinking or talking about it. 找到 (解决办法等)
    • Negotiators are due to meet later today to work out a compromise. 谈判者们预定在今天晚些时候会面以找到一个折中的办法。
    • It took me some time to work out what was causing this. 它花了我一些时间,找到导致这种状况的原因。

    b. PHRASAL VERB If you work out the answer to a mathematical problem, you calculate it. 计算
    • It is proving hard to work out the value of bankrupt companies' assets. 经证明,计算破产公司的资产较难。

    c. PHRASAL VERB If something works out at a particular amount, it is calculated to be that amount after all the facts and figures have been considered. 总计为
    • The price per pound works out at $3.20. 每磅的价格总计为$3.20。

    d. PHRASAL VERB If a situation works out well or works out, it happens or progresses in a satisfactory way. 进展顺利
    • Things just didn't work out as planned. 事情没有像计划的那样进展顺利。
    • The deal just isn't working out the way we were promised. 这项交易并不如承诺我们的那样进展顺利。

    e. PHRASAL VERB If a process works itself out, it reaches a conclusion or satisfactory end. 有满意的结果
    • People involved in it think it's a nightmare, but I'm sure it will work itself out. 参与其中的人们认为它是一场噩梦,但我确信它会有满意的结果。

    f. PHRASAL VERB If you work out, you do physical exercises in order to make your body fit and strong. 锻炼
    • Work out at a gym or swim twice a week. 每周两次在健身房锻炼或游泳。

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