• Deng_47     跟着Modern Family积累日常表达S5E6_02

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    分享、积累、坚持 2017-3-10

    1、I couldn't think straight. 喝完酒后头晕无法正常思考

    2、taut [tɔt]
    a. stretched tight 拉紧的,绷紧的 OPP SLACK
    • The rope was stretched taut. 绳子绷紧了。

    b. showing signs of worry, anger etc and not relaxed 忧虑的;紧张不安的 SYN TENSE
    • a taut smile 忧虑的笑容
    • Catherine looked upset, her face taut. 凯瑟琳显得心绪不宁,脸色紧张。

    c. having firm muscles 肌肉结实的
    • her taut brown body 她那黝黑结实的身体

    d. a taut book, film, or play is exciting and does not have any unnecessary parts〔书、电影、戏剧〕结构严谨的,紧凑的
    • a taut thriller 情节紧凑的惊悚小说
    taunt [tɔnt]
    to try to make someone angry or upset by saying unkind things to them〔用言语〕挑 衅,侮辱,嘲弄,奚落
    • And he’ll believe you, will he?’ Maria taunted. “他会相信你的,对吧?”玛丽亚嘲讽道。

    taunt sb about sth
    • The other children taunted him about his weight. 别的孩子嘲笑他长得胖。
    taunt sb with sth
    • They taunted him with the nickname ‘Fatso’. 他们嘲弄他,给他起个绰号叫“胖子”。

    3、Beats me 我不知道,考倒我了,问倒我了,我不晓得

    4、freshen up
    If you freshen something up, you make it clean and pleasant in appearance or smell. 使洁净
    • A thorough brushing helps to freshen up your mouth. 一番彻底的刷牙处理有助你清洁口腔。
    • My room needed a coat of paint to freshen it up. 我的房间需要一层粉刷来焕然一新。

    If you freshen up, you wash your hands and face and make yourself look neat and tidy. 梳洗干净
    • After Martine had freshened up, they went for a long walk. 马丁尼梳洗干净过后,他们出去散了个长步。

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