• Deng_47     跟着Modern Family积累日常表达S5E3_02

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    分享、积累、坚持 2017-3-5

    1、Hitch [hɪtʃ]
    n. 故障;钩;猛拉;急推;蹒跚
    vt. 搭便车;钩住;套住;猛拉;使结婚
    vi. 被钩住;急动;蹒跚;搭便车旅行;结婚

    2、you still need to hit the grocery store 你得去趟杂货店。

    3、You're getting too involved. 你有点忘乎所以了。


    [I,T] to keep three or more objects moving through the air by throwing and catching them very quickly 玩杂耍,边抛边接〔数件物品〕
    [+ with]
    One guy was juggling with five balls. 有个家伙在玩杂耍抛接五个球。.

    [I,T] to try to fit two or more jobs, activities etc into your life, especially with difficulty 〔尤指吃力地〕同时应付〔几份工作、多项活动等〕
    juggle sth (with sth)
    It’s hard trying to juggle a job with kids and the housework. 既要上班,又要带孩子、做家务,是很难应付过来的。
    [T] to change things or arrange them in the way you want, or in a way that makes it possible for you to do something改动;重新安排
    juggle sth around
    If I juggle these appointments around, I can fit you in. 我把这些预约调整一下,就能把你安排进去。

    5、You’re just lashing out.
    lash out
    PHRASAL VERB If you lash out, you attempt to hit someone quickly and violently with a weapon or with your hands or feet. 猛击
    • Riot police fired in the air and lashed out with clubs to disperse hundreds of demonstrators. 防暴警察向空中开了枪,并猛击警棍来驱散数百名示威者。

    PHRASAL VERB If you lash out at someone or something, you speak to them or about them very angrily or critically. 痛斥
    • As a politician Jefferson frequently lashed out at the press. 作为一名政治家,杰斐逊曾屡次痛斥新闻媒体

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