• Deng_47     跟着Modern Family积累日常表达S5E3_01

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    分享、积累、坚持 2017-3-4

    Modern Family S5E3_01

    1、in charge of 负…的责任,主管,负责管理

    2、quibble ['kwɪbl]

    to argue about small unimportant details 〔为小事〕争论,发牢骚;斤斤计较;吹毛求疵
    [+ about/over]
    • Let’s not quibble over minor details. 我们不要为了些细枝末节斤斤计较吧。

    a small complaint or criticism about something unimportant 小小的不满[批评];吹毛求疵
    • I’ve just got a few minor quibbles. 我有几个小小的意见。

    3、stay out of his way 放任他去发挥/别挡着他。

    4、Dream big, Winnow down. 构思远大,行动精简

    winnow ['wɪno]
    vt. 簸;把…挑出来;精选
    vi. 分出好坏;扬谷
    n. 扬谷;扬谷器

    to make a list, group, or quantity smaller by getting rid of the things that you do not need or want筛选,选取
    • We need to winnow the list of candidates to three. 我们需要把名单上的候选人删减到三位。

    winnow sb/sth ←→ outphr v
    to get rid of the things or people that you do not need or want from a group 筛除〔不想要的人或物〕

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