• Deng_47     跟着Modern Family积累日常表达S5E2_01

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    Modern Family S5E2_01


    1、He's kind of grooming me to take over。

    1.1、 kind of
    I'm actually kind of nervous. 我其实有点儿紧张。
    1.2 、groom
    a、[T] to clean and brush an animal, especially a horse

    b、 [T] to prepare someone for an important job or position in society by training them over a long period 培养,培训
    groom sb for sth
    •Tim was being groomed for a managerial position. 蒂姆正在接受培训,准备担任经理职位。
    groom sb to do sth
    •Clare’s been groomed to take her father’s place when he retires. 克莱尔一直作为父亲退休后的接班人受到培养。

    c、 [T] to take care of your own appearance by keeping your hair and clothes clean and tidy梳妆,打扮
    •Her hair is always perfectly groomed. 她的头发总是梳得整整齐齐

    d、 a bridegroom 新郎

    e、 someone whose job is to feed, clean, and take care of horses马夫

    1.3、take over 接管,借用,接受,接办

    2、 Speaking of marketing. 说到某件事 speaking of

    3、 We're out of milk. Be out of sth. 某件东西用完了/没了。

    4、get into a jam. 碰到麻烦。

    5、You look terrific! 你看起来美极了。

    6、Impossible to blow it! 不会搞砸的。

    blow it 搞砸了,搞砸,弄坏,弄糟某事

    7、Makes you look desperate! 那会显得你费尽心机。

    8、You got to be tough. Keep your distance. 你得冷酷,树立距离感。

    1970-01-01   7赞       1踩       3345浏览 评论(0)
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