• Deng_47     跟着Modern Family积累日常表达S5E1_03

    • Just for Fun

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    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    Modern Family S5E1_03

    1、bite [baɪt]
    v. to use your teeth to cut, crush, or chew something 咬
    n. informal a small meal 【非正式】 简单的一餐

    2、Is everything set up? 都准备好了吗?

    3、I was so touched. 我太感动了。

    4、redemption [rɪ'dɛmpʃən]

    a. the state of being freed from the power of evil, believed by Christians to be made possible by Jesus Christ

    b. the act of exchanging a piece of paper worth a particular amount of money for money, goods, or services

    c. past/beyond redemption
    too bad to be saved, repaired, or improved

    5、queasy ['kwizi] (throw up)

    a. feeling that you are going to vomit
    •The sea got rougher, and I began to feel queasy. 海上风浪更猛了,我开始感到有点恶心想吐。

    b. feeling uncomfortable because an action seems morally wrong【美】 〔因某行为似乎不合道义〕感到不自在的,感到不安的[+ about]
    •Many Democrats felt queasy about the issue. 很多民主党人士对这个问题感到很不安

    1970-01-01   2赞       0踩       1367浏览 评论(0)
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