• LuminaryLunaLovegood     LWR II A Philosophical Comfort(如何安慰他人『哲理性句子』)

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    Have you ever tried to make anyone get out of sadness? It's really hard, right?

    So how to comfort others in a right way?
    Let' look at today's topic――

    They were just lurking out of sight, that's all.


    New Word: lurk v. 潜伏,隐藏


    ‘Oh, no,’ she said, smiling at him. ‘They'll come back, they always do in the end. It was just that I wanted to pack(整理,打包) tonight. Anyway ... why aren't you at the feast(晚宴)?’

    Harry shrugged(耸肩). ‘Just didn't feel like it.’

    ‘No,’ said Luna, observing(观察) him with those oddly misty(迷雾笼罩的), protuberant(惹人注意的) eyes. ‘I don't suppose you do. That man the Death Eaters killed was your godfather, wasn't he? Ginny told me.’

    Harry nodded curtly, but found that for some reason he did not mind Luna talking about Sirius. He had just remembered that she, too, could see Thestrals(夜骐).

    ‘Have you ...’ he began. ‘I mean, who ... has anyone you known ever died?’

    ‘Yes,’ said Luna simply, ‘my mother. She was a quite extraordinary(与众不同的) witch, you know, but she did like to experiment(做实验) and one of her spells went rather badly wrong one day. I was nine.’

    ‘I'm sorry,’ Harry mumbled.

    ‘Yes, it was rather horrible,’ said Luna conversationally. ‘I still feel very sad about it sometimes. But I've still got Dad. And anyway, it's not as though I'll never see Mum again, is it?’

    ‘Er—isn't it?’ said Harry uncertainly.
    She shook her head in disbelief(怀疑地).

    ‘Oh, come on. You heard them, just behind the veil(帘子), didn't you?’

    ‘You mean ...’

    ‘In that room with the archway(拱门). They were just lurking out of sight, that's all. You heard them.’

    They looked at each other. Luna was smiling slightly. Harry did not know what to say, or to think; Luna believed so many extraordinary things ... yet he had been sure he had heard voices behind the veil, too.

    ‘Are you sure you don't want me to help you look for your stuff?’ he said.

    ‘Oh, no,’ said Luna. ‘No, I think I'll just go down and have some pudding and wait for it all to turn up ... it always does in the end ... well, have a nice holiday, Harry.’

    ‘Yeah ... yeah, you too.’
    She walked away from him and, as he watched her go, he found that the terrible weight in his stomach seemed to have lessened slightly.


    🐣Hidden Easter Egg🐣


    I'm sure you'll understand~

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