• ken.G     rock love

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    Chinese demonstrate themselves as moderate, self controlled even a little dull when moment comes to say love. Most elder generation never performed in a dramatic , sudden or fascinating manner facing their loved ones, so do a big portion of youngsters nowadays. We seem not used to and not good at showing our feelings to somebody by attractive facial expressions and romantic words which westerns handle well.We remain uncomfortable about saying I love you to partners taking into consideration that this phrase appear a little odd spoken in Mandarin since Chinese and English are two totally different system of sounds. That somehow give Chinese an identity as less emotional than western counterparts with plain and conservative sense of love. However, you bet, it's not true.
    Recently a huge portrait of a man was found painted on a cliff more than 200 meters above ground at zhejang area where rock-climbers like to take adventure.
    The magnificent portrait measures between six to seven meters. it cost her all weekends during two months to draw. After her confession got no response from the man, being a rock climber herself, she climbed to the top of cliff then hang down herself onto the rock with ropes and facilities. She slept on cliff overnight so as to start painting at 3 am for next hours. Finally she finished this splendid artwork with wonderful skill at a position hard for ordinary tourist to spot. I believe the way this brave woman express love has gone beyond romantic to firm, hot and great.

    She claimed that she wanted to keep a mark of her love up there and admire him for ever though he hadn't send any positive reply.
    Deeply touched by what she did, I realized again that when most Chinese tend to fulfill their feeling to their loved ones by daily support, long term care and quiet appreciation, this lady does represent the other aspect of us whose very passionate powerful and romantic emotion blast under the cover of a flat calm face.

    1970-01-01   1赞       0踩       111浏览 评论(1)


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