• 木樨子Arya     TED2

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    mean ol' moon. 😊
    贱熊又来了!在前作《泰迪熊》中,这个毫无下限的毛绒玩具彻底颠覆了泰迪熊传统的“呆萌”形象,不断地刷新观众们的三观。不过没节操归没节操,这部电影还是相当精彩,不仅大受好评,票房也是突破了5亿美元。此曲是女主在河边用吉他弹唱 引得各种小动物纷纷伫立聆听 从此展开了女主和男主的爱情萌芽 😜阿曼达美翻了
    前半段不是很好 尽力了 😝


    Mean ol'moon
    It must be fun
    To shine upon me
    As I come undone
    Til I'm all alone
    Beneath the sun
    You mean ol'moon
    With your beam
    You led the way
    And found me
    love I thought was
    Hear to say
    Then you
    went and took
    My love away
    You mean ol'moon
    Oh you mean
    ol'stars above
    The games that
    you play with me
    I could find
    some happiness
    if all of my
    nights were cloudy
    Mean ol'moon
    I hope it's true
    You're taking all the
    light that's left in you
    And saving it up
    for you know who
    You mean ol'moon
    You mean ol'moon

    1970-01-01   2赞       0踩       83浏览 评论(0)
女 中级龙套lv9


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