• KiAileHAYA     Jake bugg(我知道你们不会点的,so我就写了前面的话)新晋男神

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    Jake Bugg是英国歌手,男, 1994年2月28日出生。在英国诺丁汉的克利夫顿地区长大。他12岁开始弹吉他,17岁在BBC的格

    拉斯顿伯里音乐节"Introducing" 舞台亮相。他的音乐经常在BBC电台播放,歌词“Country Song”用于国家电视台啤酒节。Jake Bugg给人的感觉,像60年代的Bob Dylan。对民谣的理解就是加入英国的摇滚元素是Jake Bugg可以在英国市场备受关注的原因。😁😁😁🏠
    I'll wait you, for you for I'm broken down.
    我会等你,我愿意为你等到自己粉碎成沙,I'm coming down this time for my heart lies,
    Far and away where they took you down.
    Let them over to your house,
    Where I'm broken.
    Down by the people if they let you breathe,
    Don't give a damn if you still can't see,
    Still my heart beats for you...
    have become,故事发生
    All I lost and all I hoped for
    But I must carry on,
    Always one,一个就够了,
    Never broken.完整的一个就够了
    ,Run to the lobby where I saw you try,
    Don't give a damn for your reasons why,
    Where a soul feels.
    Down in the valley where the church bells cry,
    I'll lead them over to your eyes,
    Whoa, oh, I am one, I am one,
    Break story of peace and love in a future,
    Came around,从没离开,
    Never broken,自成一体,
    Down by the people if they let you breathe,这些人要是让你心动,
    Don't give a damn if you still can't see.你要是仍然看不见,我也无所谓,Traveling a street that I did not go,走街串巷,非我所为
    Wheels lightened to the winter load.车轮滚滚,负载轻轻,
    Down in the valley where the church bells cry,教堂哀伤的钟声在山谷飘荡,
    I'll lead them over to your eyes!我将带领他们去往你的眼睛,
    Whoa, oh, I am one,哦,我是一个完整的人,
    Whoa, oh, I am one,哦,我是一个完整的人,
    I am one.我终于是我自己了。


    I'm so sorry.我不会制作片段。所以…没有可以配的了!😖😔

    最后再来听一首歌吧!😄Love Hope andMisery 😄
    Crying for the one who doesn’t love you,
    All you feel is the pain,便只有无尽的痛苦充盈你的感官,
    You don’t know why he doesn’t want you,你想不明白 他为何会不想要你,He hasn’t called for days,他有段时间没打给你了,
    So dry those eyes and don’t be afraid,那就擦干含泪的眼 别再畏手畏脚,
    Cause the rhythm of lovers ain't the same,因为爱侣分分合合 命数皆有不同,
    No you don’t know it don’t come easy,不 你不明白 那来之不易,
    Come easy,来之不易,
    They say it comes in threes; love, hope and misery,他们说 爱、希望和苦痛三者总是结伴而行,
    And the first two were gone and tell me if I’m wrong,前两者都已消逝不见 如果我错了 请告诉我,
    I hope that I am and you don’t hate me,我希望我所作所为 不会让你嫉恨,Don’t be mad, I'm just a man,别生气 我也只是凡人一个,
    And I know, and I know, and I know, and I know,而我也真切的知道 我知道,
    And I know, and I know that you must hate me,我从心里觉察到 你必定恨我入骨,
    Holding back the reasons not to love you,欲言又止的借口 让我无法继续爱你,
    Try to find the way,试着找到出路,But when you’re feeling down and lonely,但你失落又孤独,
    It makes it hard to say,让我难以启齿,
    So dry those eyes and don’t be afraid,那就擦干含泪的眼 别再畏手畏脚,
    Cause the rhythm of lovers ain't the same,因为爱侣分分合合 命数皆有不同,
    No you don’t know it don’t come easy,不 你不明白 那来之不易,
    Come easy,来之不易,
    They say it comes in threes; love, hope and misery,他们说 爱、希望和苦痛三者总是结伴而行,
    And the first two were gone and tell me if I’m wrong,前两者都已消逝不见 如果我错了 请告诉我,
    I hope that I am and you don’t hate me,我希望我所作所为 不会让你嫉恨,Don’t be mad, I'm just a man,别生气 我也只是凡人一个,
    And I know, and I know, and I know that you must hate me,我从心里觉察到 你必定恨我入骨,
    As I think about the only way that you know to love,这就是我所知的 你对爱的见解,
    No, this feeling can’t be right if it don’t mean much,不 如果意义不大 这感觉绝不可能为真
    No, this feeling ain't right if it don't mean much,不 如果意义不大 那这感觉就不太对,
    I can't be here for you,我也不能再等你了,
    No, I can't live a lie, woman, that you must know,不 我无法随遇而安到与谎言过活 女人 你得明白这点,
    And this feeling can't be right if it moves so slow,如果进展缓慢 那这感觉绝不可能为真,
    No, this feeling ain't right if it moves so slow,不 如果进展缓慢 那这感觉就不太对,
    I can't be here with you,我也不能再等你了,
    They say it comes in threes; love, hope and misery,他们说 爱、希望和苦痛三者总是结伴而行,
    And the first two were gone and tell me if I’m wrong,前两者都已消逝不见 如果我错了 请告诉我,
    I hope that I am and you don’t hate me,我希望我所作所为 不会让你嫉恨,Don’t be mad, I'm just a man,
    别生气 我也只是凡人一个,
    And I know, and I know, and I know, and I know,
    而我也真切的知道 我知道,
    And I know, and I know that you must hate me,
    我从心里觉察到 你必定恨我入骨。


    So Bye Bye🙋🙋

    1970-01-01   4赞       0踩       126浏览 评论(0)
女 资深龙套lv16


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