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    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    One early turning point came in 1793, when Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson sent the Supreme Court a letter on behalf of President Washington requesting help in resolving questions of interpretation that had arisen under the 1778 treaty between France and the United States. The letter posed twenty-nine specific questions. Judges of the state courts then commonly offered–as several still do–"advisory opinions" of the sort the president sought. But Chief Justice Jay and the associated justices viewed the request as falling outside the jurisdiction of federal courts. In a letter to the president, the Court responded:"The lines of separation drawn by the Constitution between the three departments of the government–their being in certain respects checks upon each other–and our being judges of a court in the last resort–are considerations which afford strong arguments against the propriety of our extrajudicially deciding the questions alluded to.
    早期的第一个转折点发生在1793年, 国务卿托马斯·杰弗逊代表华盛顿总统致函最高法院,希望大法官们帮忙解释1778年的《美法条约》,借此解决条约引发的一系列问题。公函列出了29个具体问题。当时,各州法官经常为总统出具所谓“咨询意见”,某些州至今仍这么做。但是杰伊大法官和其他联席大法官认为,杰弗逊的这一请求超出了联邦法院的职权范围。在给总统的回函中,最高法院答复说:“宪法为政府三大部门设定的分界线——要求它们在某些方面互相制约监督——我们只是终审法院法官——上述界限可以作为有力依据,阻止我们逾越司法权限、做出答疑解惑的不当之举。

    This early rejection of an advisory role established a lasting principle: that the federal courts have the constitutional power to decide only those questions that arise in the context of disputes between opposing parties. The principle is easier to state than to apply, and the Court has spent the subsequent two centuries elaborating on it. Even today, the contours of what is often referred to as the"Article III jurisdiction" of the federal courts remain contested. The important points here are simply these: that questions concerning the federal courts' jurisdiction are anchored deeply in the nation's constitutional origin, and that the Supreme Court itself has provided the answers.

    The Supreme Court meet for the first time on February 2,1790, in New York City, the country's first capital. The Court's meeting place was the Merchants Exchange (sometimes referred to as the Royal Exchange) building in lower Manhattan, the first of several locations that served as a home for the Supreme Court until the justices got their own building on Capitol Hill in 1935.




    1. Advisory
    adj. 咨询的;顾问的;劝告的
    n. 报告;公告


    2. Propriety
    n. 适当;礼节;得体


    3. Allude
    vi. 暗指,转弯抹角地说到;略为提及,顺便提到


    4. Contour
    n. 轮廓;等高线;周线;电路;概要
    vt. 画轮廓;画等高线
    n. (Contour)人名;(法)孔图尔


    5. Contest
    vt. 争辩;提出质疑
    vi. 竞争;争辩
    n. 竞赛;争夺;争论


    1970-01-01   1赞       0踩       108浏览 评论(2)


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