• SKY.levi     These Countries,Low-key But Rich【这些国:看上去很低调,实际很土豪】

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    No.1 Qatar 卡塔尔

    It is hard to find it in the World map.In the early 1900s,most of the European travelers doubted about this small peninsular country's existence.But now,it's the richest country in the world recognized by IMF(International Monetary Fund). Qatar has 1.69 million people. The major industry is oil exploitation(开采) and purification(净化).

    No.2 Luxembourg 卢森堡

    It's the respectable EU member and the model of the international financial management. Many super power envy its higher welfare level. There are many European organizations in Luxembourg. Its capital has the highest number of financial institutions with over 1,000 investment companies and 200 banks.

    No.3 The United Arab Emirates【阿拉伯联合酋长国】

    This is the country Arab sheiks with skyscrapers and the best hotels in the world. The population is 8.26 million. The main economic sources are oil,aluminum and cement.
    这是阿拉伯酋长们的国家,拥有摩天大楼和世界上最好的宾馆。人口826万 ,主要经济来源为石油,铝和水泥。

    No.4 Norway 挪威

    About 4.97 million people live in Norway. Before the two terrorist attacks by Breivik,Norway was regarded as the highest standard of living and the safest country in the world. Its major economic sector is the oil exploration and processing.
    挪威人口497万 ,在发生布列维克实施的两次恐怖事件之前,挪威被认为是生活水平最高最安全的国家。国有的主要经济来源是石油天然气的开采和加工。

    No.5 Singapore 新西兰

    The population of Singapore is 5.07million. It is called“The pearl of Southeast Asia”with the buildings of the new century and the ultra-modern trade and entertainment centre. It has the inheritance of Malaysian,Indian,Chinese and European countries' tradition and culture. The major industries are chemical industry and electronic industry.

    No.6 America 美国

    Although the U.S. economy was impacted by the global financial crisis,it still has a dominate position in the international market. The key industries are oil,steel and automobile industry.

    No.7 Switzerland 瑞士

    Switzerland is known for high quality watch,attractive health resort with downhill skiing and wonderful chocolate. It is also a paradise for investors. The major economic sectors are tourism and chemical industry.
    PS:瑞士人口786万 ,有4000余家财经机构,包括很多外国银行的分行。35%至40%的世界资产及私人和法人财产由瑞士银行打理。

    No.8 Netherlands 荷兰

    Netherlands has three features:full of tulips(郁金香),low unemployment and high tolerance. It has 16.68 million people. The major economic sectors are agriculture,metallurgy(冶金),exploitation and processing of oil and gas.

    No.9 Ireland 爱尔兰

    The population of Ireland is 4.58 million. The rank of the GNP per capita dropped for the influence of financial crisis in 2008. The major industries are food industry,textile industry(纺织业)and metallurgy.

    No.10 Austria 奥地利

    There are 8.41 million people in Austria,and most of them speak German. It is the most important transportation hub in Europe for the central location. Austria is the last one among the top ten rich countries. The major industries are metallurgy,buildings and food.

    【一切解释权归 SKY·Levi 所有】

    1970-01-01   5赞       0踩       930浏览 评论(1)


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