• 星光斑斓里遍寻     英文美句✨ 句句深入人心❤️

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    大家好~我是小士郎。第一次发帖,希望可以达到如期效果~ 今后呢有时间都会发一些美文美句,希望米娜桑们多多关注我🙈
    The moment you think about giving up, think of the reason why you held on so long——每当你想放弃的时候,想一想是什么支撑着你一路坚持。

    I don't wanna be your 'number one' that implies there are a number two and maybe a number three. I want to be your only one——我不想做你的“第一”,因为那就意味着还有第二,第三……我只想做你的“唯一”。

    Total umbrella for someone else if he, you're just not for him in the rain.——如果他总为别人撑伞,你又何苦非为他等在雨中。

    Hold my hand,you won't get lost even with eyes closed. ——握住我的手,即使你闭上眼睛也不会迷路。

    We never really grow up. We only learn how to act in public. ——我们从未真正长大,我们只是在别人面前学会了假装。

    Each trauma, is another kind of maturity. ——每一种创伤,都是另一种成熟。
    Fortune favours the brave——运气往往眷顾勇敢的人。

    You keep on concentrating on the things you wish you had or things you wish you didn’t have and you sort of forget what you do have.-Nick Vujicic——如果你不停的纠结于你所没有的或者不想要的,你就会忘记你真正拥有的。—尼克 胡哲

    嗯.这次就这些喽 !这也我的成名作。希望大家多多关注!


    1970-01-01   15赞       1踩       871浏览 评论(32)
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