• Thg_王乾懿     美语流行词汇(puck 吃饱撑的-凤姐代言词-PUGLY)

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    Puck 没事挑事的人,吃饱撑的恶搞的人
    A person who is deliberately contrary 故意作对 or pigheaded猪固执 or who intentionally picks fights and starts trouble not because of any deeply held belief but purely for the joy of causing mayhem 大混乱 or hurting others. Intention may be either malicious 恶意的or spirited.

    Puck, also known as Robin Goodfellow, 【英国民间传说】(顽皮而善良的)小精灵[亦作Puck] is a character in William Shakespeare's play A Midsummer Night's Dream, based on the ancient figure of Puck found in English mythology 神话.
    From the character of Puck in Shakespeare's Midsummer Nights Dream.仲夏夜之梦
    Jack stop being such a Puck.

    Pugly “凤姐”演绎-自我臭美其实很搓
    When you think you're hot but you're actually not. You are a poser很作 that's ugly. You're a Pugly.
    "Damn she think she look good and she don't she so Pugly"

    1970-01-01   2赞       0踩       27浏览 评论(0)
男 资深配角lv31


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