• Thg_王乾懿     美语一些语气词的详细区分

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    ahh 噢,应付的回答而已。
    When you actually don't give a f--ck but you're pretending that you are interested.
    John: ''Hey Bob I finally figured out my mistake on the equation yesterday I was suppose to add then divide not add then multiply.''
    Bob:''Ahh glad to hear''.

    Like 额。。语气词
    3. "Yeah like i think like N Sync is like sooooooo like cool and like dreamy."-some girl

    sweet 这里不是甜蜜的意思,是棒棒哒的意思
    Something that is awesome
    THat was so sweet what you just did.

    adorable 萌萌哒
    Irresistibly charming sweet funny and just totally cute in a way that makes you sigh.
    Jeff is the most adorable guy ever!

    pretty 颜值高或者有内涵(和BEAUTIFUL 有质的区别)
    1.)A girl who has physical appeals that attracts a guy.
    2.)A girl can also be pretty inside in her feelings in her beliefs.
    She is so pretty i love her eyes.
    I like the way she thinks it makes her look so pretty.

    beautiful 个性迷人有特色,能自嘲,能自我掂量。会照顾别人,友善,懂礼貌。会逗乐子,不较真。在你周围就让你感觉好,不在你身边会想她。
    Beautiful is a woman who has a distinctive personality one who can laugh at anything including themselves who is especially kind and caring to others. She is a woman who above all else knows the value of having fun and not taking life too seriously. She is a woman that you can trust and count on to brighten your day. She is a woman who can inexplicably make you feel really good just by being around her and yet brings such great sadness when she is gone. She is a woman who I will never really get to know.
    Virginia is a beautiful woman!


    great 其实GREAT经常是反讽的语气(哎别,那好呀!)
    A very sarcastic way of saying NOT GOOD.

    wonderful 美翻了
    someone or something so beautiful and perfect that you can't believe how lucky you are
    wow. caleb really is wonderful!

    Fantastic 好样的
    incredible wonderful
    That movie was so fantastic!

    incredible 不敢相信自己的眼睛哎
    mindboggling 令人难以置信的 so good it's hard to believe wow awesome
    John is so incredible.

    cool 赞、满拽啊,挺屌啊
    The best way to say something is neat 赞(An expression that means something is wonderful, terrific, or cool.)or awesome or swell. 一流的,漂亮的 The phrase "cool" is very relaxed never goes out of style 不过时的表达 and people will never laugh at you for using it very conveniant for people like me who don't care about what's "in."

    Twinkies are 夹馅面包 cool.

    nice 说话停顿缓和一下语气,类似呃呃
    Used as a filler during a pause in conversation. Doesn't necessarily mean something complimentary.
    "I bought that new Fanta today."

    amazing 好美啊,都语无伦次了哎
    Something that is so wonderful it is hard to find the words to match. Something that makes your heart beat faster or your heart melt. Something that tops everything else and always crosses your mind.
    Everything Alex is and does is amazing to me.

    oh boy 哎呀呀的意思--表示高兴或者惊讶的感叹
    To make a quick exclamation of joy and or shock. Generally a more laid back and sociable comment that derived from 派生 the early modern teens.

    Oh boy!!! 赞爆了的语气(兴奋)
    The loud pumped up 振奋的 excited phrase used when preferably giving daps or during an excited moment.

    "Cruz......OH Boy!!!!"
    "What up dog?(Man's best friend) 好兄弟.....(Dog)Oh boy!!"

    dude 只是表示惊讶(表示很赞)something that's just so awesomly cool amazingly kick ass
    1) The Universal Prounoun
    2) Adj - ex<x>pression of emphasis amazement or awe
    1) What's up Dude?

    2) Duuude!

    dude 伙计,兄弟,更多的是诶,你怎么怎么。。。其实就是开个场说话的意思

    3) ?. a way to start a conversation

    Dude you have no idea!

    4) replacing "um" or "like" in any sentence 语气词替换UM(呃呃),舒缓语气

    And then...dude...dude...dude shit I forgot.

    1970-01-01   7赞       0踩       106浏览 评论(0)
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