• Thg_王乾懿     有关爱和迷恋的一些词

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    luv 说LOVE还为时过早,但是已经心动就说LUV.
    A casual way of saying you really like someone without freaking them out by saying I love you. Commonly used by people early on in relationships, where it is too soon to say I love you.

    Luv may develop into love but it is not love.
    {Dating for two weeks...Text Message}

    Guy: Meet you after work,luv, Bob.

    affection 情感通过身体的表现出来的迷恋
    a physical way of showing just how much you love someone. Its a fondness that consumes you. Wanting to touch, tickle, kiss, hug, or hold.
    My lover's constant affection is a great reminder of how much he cares for me.

    huggle 从后面报
    a hug from a person who stand behind another person and wraps his/her arms around the person in front.
    snuggle 依偎
    To make oneself comfortable, usually by moving closer to another person or thing. To embrace closely, as to show affection or offer warmth.
    Snuggling always helps me calm down and feel secure.

    saphosexual 注重精神品质恋爱的取向
    An individual principally attracted to the soul, heart or mind, as opposed to the body. Most saphosexuals identify as pansexual (bisexual). Also an adjective.

    Saphosexuality is sometimes confused for demisexuality.
    If you want to catch his eye, you'll have to reveal more of yourself: he's saphosexual.

    demisexuality 情感恋爱体验,但是肉欲很少的取向
    Demisexuality is the sexual orientation of a person who does not experience primary attraction, the physical or sexual attraction, but does experience secondary attraction, deep emotional attraction. Like asexuals, demisexuals often don't have sex due to lack of attraction but they can and some do, when with a person they most likely already have a deep emotional connection with.

    1970-01-01   2赞       0踩       47浏览 评论(0)
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