• Thg_王乾懿     流行词汇详解(bad apple; snailpaper )

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    Bad apple 没心没肺的人

    A female who is very bad at her ways and has a cold heart towards you and break you into pieces no matter if you like her or not worst then a bully (比恶霸还坏)more like a rotten soul women who can step all over you.(腐烂的灵魂可以随意践踏你)

    I went to the store to ask a question I see the women had a bad apple type of behavior to her she can't be trusted what so ever watch out girl.

    snailpaper 蜗牛报纸
    (n.) - the print edition of the daily newspaper which arrives in the morning on your doorstep with news that is already old and stale by at least 12 hours

    "I am sick and tired of reading the snailpaper edition of the New York Times! By the time it arrives, the front page is already old news. I much prefer reading the Times online website with the up-dated news as it happens."

    现在很多人都倾向于从网络获取资讯,而传统的纸质报纸在时效性方面不能与其相比,所以就出现了“蜗牛报纸”这个新词。电子阅读的确是更新比较快,信息量也很大,但是对于那些 classics(经典著作)和文学作品,还是抱着纸质的书静静地品味感觉会更好,你们觉得呢?

    1970-01-01   7赞       0踩       154浏览 评论(3)
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