• April.C     原创意识流小文(英文) 配阿呆? Hello

    • Just for Fun

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    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    Rainy Days
    By April. C

    Only in those gloomy, dreadful, constantly raining days, I desperately wish to sit by a blazing fireplace, a cup of hot bergamot tea in one hand, and a lovely romantic fiction in another, with some soft melody playing at the background.

    It is a small, warm and cozy living room with a piece of fluffy tug under a round brown wooden table, on which a steaming teapot was set. A bookshelf against wall is filled with magazine, books, CDs, potteries, picture frames, and other bits and bobs scattered around. Nothing posh or grand can be caught sight of. In a word, quite home-like.

    The wind outside was howling, accompanied by the pitter-patter sound of rain against the window pane. It just passed middle afternoon, maybe a perfect for some afternoon tea and biscuits in normal days. Not today, tough, it's too dull and cold the mood.

    Inside, fire was roaring in the grate, music was soft and melancholy, but definitely not sad, the book was light, not the chirpy or sappy kind, just a good read for rainy days.

    Sitting on the sofa with my feet curled up under a woolly blanket, I felt no joy or sorrow, simply calm overflowing over my heart, and savoured time quietly flowing with the music, book, and vivid yellow flames.

    第一次写小文儿😋,各种忐忑😳,还请大家指教🙏, 若有意转载或翻译✏️, 请私约我哦~

    1970-01-01   3赞       0踩       1104浏览 评论(1)
女 中级龙套lv12


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