• Jackquot     美丽中国之湖南衡阳南岳

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《[BBC.美丽中国]1》


    在山上也看见了不少的风景介绍所以突发奇想,可以尝试着弄一个旅游景点的讲解。首先第一个地方是南岳大庙(THE HENGSHAN GARND TEMPLE).这个大庙呢主要用来烧香的,那些香嘛你买的话,你懂的……。开始来介绍南岳大庙——秦汉时已设有南岳庙,后来汉武帝将安徽潛山作为南岳祭祀,到了隋文帝时又把南岳祭祀移向衡山举行。唐初在南岳正式建司天霍王庙,开元十三年改为南岳真君祠。后来宋封岳神为司大昭圣帝,从此以后南岳大庙就按帝王宫殿式不断扩建。自唐代以来,历经六次大火,重修十七次。清光绪年间重建后,形成了现有规模。整个庙宇分为九处,共占地九万八千五百平方米,正殿高二十二米,七十二根石柱象征着衡山七十二峰。并且南岳大庙是我国南方规模最大,保存最完整的古建筑群。

    THE HENGSHAN GRAND TEMPLE was construted after the style of the Imperial Palace in Beijing.It covers an area of 98500square metres and in the largest of its kind in Hunan Province.
    The main structure of the temple has nine gates .The main hall 22 metres high.Is supported by 72 stone pillars symbolizing the 72 peaks in the Southern Range of mountains.
    According to the historical documents .A temple was set up in Hengshan during the period of Qin and Han dynasties (221A.D~220A.D).But the earliest temple at this very place was built in 725A.D. in the Tang dynasty.The old temple experienced six big fires and was extended seventeen times .Yet it didn't possess the present scale until its reconstruction in 1882 in the Qin dynasty.终于写完了,我也该睡觉了,祝大家有一个好梦。

    1970-01-01   8赞       0踩       228浏览 评论(5)


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