• Chole离开     ✨IWI✨萌神接力 爱?的教育 16

    • I'm shaking yet. Unshakable

    • 我开始动摇 但我不能失去自我

    • from:《东京喰种 unravel 女生版(FULL ENGLISH)》

    大家好~我是IWI大家族的二公举 哈哈 今天由我来接力读爱的教育!
    实在不好意思..因为我把接力和我男神生日记到一起了 一直以为我是是十六号读...இдஇ所以今天有点晚,读的也磕磕巴巴的🙏抱歉抱歉抱歉!


    Thursday, November 10th.
    In the presence of your brother's teacher you failed in respect to your mother! Let this never happen again, my Enrico, never again! Your irreverent word pierced my heart like a point of steel. I thought of your mother when, years ago, she bent the whole of one night over your little bed, measuring your breathing, weeping blood in her anguish, and with her teeth chattering with terror, because she thought that she had lost you, and I feared that she would lose her reason; and at this thought I felt a sentiment of horror at you. You, to offend your mother! your mother, who would give a year of happiness to spare you one hour of pain, who would beg for you, who would allow herself to be killed to save your life!


    Listen, Enrico. Fix this thought well in your mind. Reflect that you are destined to experience many terrible days in the course of your life: the most terrible will be that on which you lose your mother. A thousand times, Enrico, after you are a man, strong, and inured to all fates, you will invoke her, oppressed with an intense desire to hear her voice, if but for a moment, and to see once more her open arms, into which you can throw yourself sobbing, like a poor child bereft of comfort and protection.



    How you will then recall every bitterness that you have caused her, and with what remorse you will pay for all, unhappy wretch! Hope for no peace in your life, if you have caused your mother grief. You will repent, you will beg her forgiveness, you will venerate her memory--in vain; conscience will give you no rest; that sweet and gentle image will always wear for you an expression of sadness and of reproach which will put your soul to torture. Oh, Enrico, beware; this is the most sacred of human affections; unhappy he who tramples it under foot. The assassin who respects his mother has still something honest and noble in his heart; the most glorious of men who grieves and offends her is but a vile creature.


    Never again let a harsh word issue from your lips, for the being who gave you life. And if one should ever escape you, let it not be the fear of your father, but let it be the impulse of your soul, which casts you at her feet, to beseech her that she will cancel from your brow, with the kiss of forgiveness, the stain of ingratitude. I love you, my son; you are the dearest hope of my life; but I would rather see you dead than ungrateful to your mother. Go away, for a little space; offer me no more of your caresses; I should not be able to return them from my heart.


    听到这里的都是真爱இдஇ我自己都听不下去了录了好多个小时还是这个狗样子已经不想说话了 原谅作死的我没有去想合作

    这是我男神GreysonChance15岁自弹自唱改编gaga姐的paparazzi 【虽然还没放完。。不过感兴趣的可以去谷歌辣】好像还上过快本2333【这个有任何关系吗喂!






    IWI i'm worth it !!

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