• 会说话的胡萝卜     ⭐消防队员们是一个传奇 平安平安

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《See You Again》



    偶然 发现传奇有英文版的 推荐听一下。
    Fairy Tale
    In that misty morning when I saw yours simling face.

    You only looked at me and I was yours.

    But when I turned around you were nowhere to be seen.

    You had walked away and closed the door.

    When I will see you again.

    When will the sky start to rain

    When will I know that you are mine.

    Did I ever meet you in the sunshine.

    And when we were both a thousand years away.

    Did I ever hold your in the moonlight.

    Did we make ever moment last another day .

    On a cold December night I gave my heard to you .

    and by the summer you were gone.

    Now as the days grow older and stars will start to dim.

    All i have is over mermory and this song

    When will I see you again.

    When will the sky start to rain.

    When will the stars start to shine.

    When will I know that you are mine.

    Did I ever meet you in the sunshine.

    And When we were both a thousand years away.

    Did I ever hold you in the moonlight.

    Did we make every minute last another day.

    When will I see you again.

    When will sky stop to rain.

    When will stars start to shine.

    When will I know that you are mine .

    In that misty morning I sawyour smilingface.

    1970-01-01   2赞       0踩       37浏览 评论(0)
女 中级龙套lv7


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