• 依米Ice     Be Calm

    • I do not wish to be erased.

    • 我不想被消灭

    • from:《疯狂外星人》

    How To Be Calm Even When Things Get Rough

    (刷题刷得好痛苦😢,翻到Crazy English 里的一篇文章。你我共勉❤️)

    ( u ---you , ur ---your, 下面图方便就打简写了)

    1. Cry if u need to ----for a while.

    Some people are more emotional than others.
    But repressing 【压制】ur emotions doesn't always help. If u do repress them , it's like holding a beach ball under the water. You can do it for a while ,but it will eventually 【最后】come back to the surface ----and sometimes in an explosive 【爆发】manner. So have a good cry once in a while. Let the emotions out in order to help yourself think more clearly afterwards.

    2. Then stop the crying and put ur logical side in the driver's seat.

    Once u let ur emotions out, make a decision to put ur emotional side in the passenger's seat and let ur logical side drive . Logic will help u stay and focused during chaos 【混乱】.If u let ur emotions out with a good cry or two , u can shift mental 【精神】gears and take the next step: solve the problem .

    3. Be solution - oriented.

    Dwelling on 【凝思】the negatives won't change anything. Let's say u just lost ur job. Maybe it was a shock. So you've had ur cry or the time to freak out【吓坏】, and then u made the decision to put ur logical hat on . Now look at the possibilities . Start applying for jobs . Think about a career change or starting ur own business. Look at the actions u can take to make ur situation better . Then do something .

    4. Remove yourself from the situation if you can.

    Maybe u didn't lose ur job----but u hate ur job. Or ur boss. Or ur co-workers. Maybe you're in a loveless relationship . If there is any possible way for u to remove yourself from a negative situation , then do it . Staying and dwelling on the negatives won't make u happier or calmer. Sometimes u just need to get out so u can have a better life.

    5.Keep things in perspective .

    Sometimes what we think is a tragedy【悲剧】isn't really a tragedy . It may just feel like one. As I look back on my life, some of the things that I thought were the end of the world were just stepping stones. I like to ask myself the question," At the end of my life ,am I going to look back at this problem and feel that it was significant【意义重大】?Or will I just laugh at how upset I was over it ? " if u can give ur problems a new perspective like that , it will help u stay calm. Sure, some problems really are huge . But many of them are not ---- we just think they are.

    6. Remember that it won't last forever.

    One of my favorite quotes is :" the only thing constant 【不变的】is change." While that's an ironic statement , it's actually very true . No one stays in one place . It might feel like you're staying in the same place, but time marches on【前进】.If u take action to make a better life for yourself, then u are claiming ur power and taking that first step towards being happier.

    7. Ask for help.
    Unfortunately , a lot of people think that asking for help is a sign of weakness . It's not! Where has it ever been written that everyone needs to go through their problems alone? Nowhere! Having other people support u----either emotionally or by actually doing something to help ----will make u feel like u have less of a burden【负担】on your shoulders . Less burden equals more clam, collected【冷静的】,and lighter feelings.

    8. Realize that it could be worse .

    Another thing that helps me keep calm during tough time is that I always remember that there a lot worse things that could be happening. Maybe u did lose ur job , but at least u have ur health and perhaps family members to help u get back on ur feet. Somewhere in the world ,someone has it a lot worse than u do right at this moment. I know it doesn't always feel that way ,but many times, it's true .

    9. Believe that things will get better.

    Hope . Hope is everything. If u don't believe that things will change , then they won't. I always love to quote Henry Ford when he said," Whether u think u can----or u think u can't ----either way , you are right." If u think things will get better, then they eventually will. If u think they won't , then they won't . Your beliefs shape ur experience .

    Staying calm when life gets rough takes practice , but it can be done. If u practice these steps on a regular basis , eventually it will become second nature to u .





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