• 安图森同话     keep you head up Michael jackson

    • And if you really try, you'll find there's no need to cry

    • 如果你真的努力过,你会发觉不必哭泣

    • from:《Heal the world》

    She’s lookin’ for a job and a finer place to stay, 她一直在寻找着一份工作和一个好一点的住处
    She’s lookin’ for the hope in the empty promises, 她一直在各种空洞的承诺里寻找希望
    She’s workin’ two jobs, 她做着双份工作
    Keepin’ alive, 只是为了能够活下去
    She works in a restaurant night and day, 她日夜在餐厅打工
    She waits her life away, 她无奈地听凭着生命流逝
    She wipes the tears away, 只能擦去泪水

    She cries inside every time she feels this way, 每次她有这种感觉时,心里总是在默默哭泣
    And she’s dying inside every time her baby cries, (No~) 每当听到她的孩子哭时,她如此痛不欲生
    Keepin’ your head up to the sky, 抬起你的头,看向天空
    Keepin’ your mind just stay alive, 坚持住你的信念,为了活下去
    Keepin’ your wings so we can fly, 展开你的翅膀,让我们能飞起来
    (Keep your head up tonight) (今夜,高昂你的头)
    Keepin’ your head up to the sky, 抬起你的头,看向天空

    And we can just rise up tell me now, 现在告诉我,我们能够站起来
    Gimme your wings so we can fly, 伸出你的手,让我们能飞起来


    1970-01-01   11赞       0踩       244浏览 评论(22)


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