• Heidi_Jas     【the Economist】- 20190504

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    被封面的粉红小猪可爱到了,今天分享的笔记来自leader板块的文章Tech’s raid on the banks和一篇关于制药企业要向世界最大的收费视频网站网飞Netfix公司学习的文章。


    Taxis, films, novels, noodles, doctors and dog-walkers can all be summoned with a tap of a screen.
    Summon: 召唤,传唤,召集会议(summon a meeting)。
    Summon sth up: 振作,想起……,唤起……情感(=evoke)
    I could not even summon the energy to get out of bed after running the marathon yesterday.
    The old book summoned up my memories of childhood. 这本旧书唤醒我的童年记忆。

    Giant firms in retailing, car-making and the media have been humbled by new competitors.
    Humble: 比defeat高级的打败,想象一根被压弯的稻草。

    In the West mobile banking is reaching critical mass—49% of Americans bank on their phones—and tech giants are muscling in.
    Muscle in: 大举进军

    Banks are so vital that the economy reels when they stumble.

    Banking’s dirty secret is that it is backward, inefficient and hidebound.

    The thing is that global growth is sluggish and productivity gains are hard to come by. A smartphone revolution in finance offers one of the best ways to boost the economy and spread the benefits.
    The thing is that……句式很简单,但很吸引人。非常适合强调问题。

    Netflix and pills
    A world without antibiotics is horrible to contemplate. They underpin much modern medicine and are essential for patients undergoing chemotherapy for cancer, organ transplants or common surgeries such as caesarean sections.
    caesarean sections: 剖腹产,自从二胎政策开放以来,这个词就经常出现。
    Sth is horrible to contemplate. 难以想象,
    Underpin:to support or form the basis of an argument, a claim, etc. 加强,巩固,构成
    to give strength or support to something and to help it succeed
    America’s wealth is underpinned by a global system which exploits the world’s poor.
    Independent journalism underpins a free, democratic society.

    That the pharmaceutical market does not always work well is hardly news.
    Sth is hardly news并不是新闻。注意news前没有任何冠词。

    The most promising idea is for drugs firms to change how they charge governments and health insurers for antibiotics, by switching to a Netflix-style subscription model.

    Just as Netflix subscribers pay the same each month, whether they binge-watch boxsets all day or watch nothing at all.
    Binge:v. to do too much of something, such as eating or drinking, in a short period of time狂欢
    Binge on sth 放纵
    whenever she is stressed, she binges on cakes.一有压力就狂吃蛋糕。
    n. a short period when you do too much of something, such as eating or drinking狂欢时刻
    a drink binge纵情喝酒的时刻

    So health-care providers would pay a flat rate for access to an antibiotic, regardless of the volume. When the drug is new and being saved as a last line of defence, the drugs company still gets paid. And if the antibiotic has to be more widely used, the price does not go up. It may sound crazy, but subscriptions are already being tried in America to pay for hepatitis c drugs. Using this model for antibiotics can square the circle of incentivising drugs companies to develop a treatment that doctors will then try to use as little as possible.
    Square the circle: 直译就是化方为圆,其实就是做别人看来不可能成功的事情, to attempt something impossible
    The only way of squaring the circle to finish the task is to convince the investors.

    Fixing the pricing model is not a silver bullet, then. But it is a vital part of the answer.
    Silver bullet: something that solves a difficult problem very quickly and easily, 解决问题的灵丹妙药

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