• 简简简简安     听卷福读诗.系列二

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    Scribbles by Anno Birkin
    (from the audio cd "who said The Race Is Over")

    no thinking now about what i's writing
    in itself it is the joy of my living
    thank you
    i'm dizzy with words
    i hear them like notes in my heart



    where now are divine and effervescent lights by Anno Birkin
    (from the audio cd "who said The Race Is Over")

    where now are divine and ever effervescent lights?
    that neath the dusky coak of sin will gag and gasp and dance and dim
    and as the oxygen grows thin, they fall into the wind like bits of burning flowers
    showers of faith are reguired for growth,
    for most of our lives are spent gathering jewels for our coffins,
    saving for big bits of stone with poetry thrown all accross it...



    Come, will you join me in my precision by Anno Birkin
    (from the audio cd "who said The Race Is Over")

    Come, will you join me in my precision
    celebrate the blackness of our futile minds,
    tear off the hide from the cow of conformity
    bury it in madness and add a sprinkle of remorse
    poetry is the expression of the unexpected
    the refusal to collect, and the desire to break through the walls of possibility.
    anything is possible through the inscription of words placed writhing mad on a page,
    willing to tear apart any boundary in order that they may be felt.
    to you, my pages may seem insignificant, pointless and vain.
    so be it.
    treat them not as a meaning or a collection of words, but as a spear,
    parting the flesh so that it may sting the care of self.
    so that it may release its venom into your system and stop at nothing to tear apart your soul.
    read again my friend, watch how the words bend.






    have a nice weekend.

    1970-01-01   2赞       0踩       342浏览 评论(0)
女 入行配角lv19


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