• £蓝色╃风铃彡     (十四)此生不可错过的十大美景圣地

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《悉尼》



    A change of location can feed both body and mind. There is so much to see and do around the globe. The only question becomes where to begin. Attributed to Augustine of Hippo, "The world is a book, and those who don't travel read only one page." Start the next chapter of your journey today.

    NO.1 Mendenhall Glacier Caves of Tongass National Park, Alaska

    Adventure seekers should fly to Juneau and make their way over to the caves via kayak and climb. In the interim you will be experiencing wild and pristine nature in America's largest forest. The Glacier itself runs 12 miles long and requires an escort. Intrepid visitors should fly to Juneau, kayak to and climb over the glacier to access this feature with a guide. The Mendenhall Glacier Caves are exposed to changing climactic conditions and accessibility changes.

    NO.2 Angel Falls, Venezuela

    This waterfall ranks as the world highest at 3,212 feet. Visitors will be surprised that the water that begins at the top takes an unusual journey and atomizes into a fine mist, never to reach the bottom.

    NO.3 Bora Bora, Tahiti

    This "romantic island" of a number of islands within French Polynesia is 18 miles long with white sandy shores surrounded by a lagoon. The best of those beaches is at Matira Point.

    NO.4 Anse Source d-Argent of La Digue, Seychelles Islands

     Often photographed, the Anse Source d-Argent invites visitors to unwind on its pale pink sand. Enjoy shallow turquoise waters and a protective reef.德阿让海滩的“出镜率”极高。在这里,游客可以在柔软的粉色沙滩上尽情放松,在碧波荡漾的浅海中、在保护礁间自在畅游。

    NO.5 La Samanna Resort on Baie Longue, St. Martin

    If a little pampering is called for, join the jet set at La Samanna. The area is secluded and the resort itself seems unreal with striking white architecture, beautiful beaches and plenty of eye candy.

    NO.6 Forter Castle, Scotland

    Originally built in 1560, the castle has since been restored using traditional materials. Enjoy horseback lessons, famous local greens for golfers or journey to the Nae Limits for kayaking, whitewater trips, cliff-jumping, canyonning and climbing. Visit during the Highland Games to sample Scottish hospitality and culture.

    NO.7 Belize Barrier Reef 伯利兹堡礁
    This reef remains one of the most diverse reef ecosystems and is home to rays, whale sharks, manatees and spiny lobsters. It is part of the almost 700-mile-long Mesoamerican Reef and suffered a 50 percent loss to its coral in 1998. Journey International offers a journey with stops in Belize's rainforest. There will be a 3 day stay on an island in the reef with side trips to the Mayan ruins and Guatemala.
    伯利兹堡礁是全世界最具多样性的珊瑚礁生态系统之一,也是鲸鲨、海牛以及大鳌虾的栖居地,属于长约700英里的中美洲大堡礁系统。1998年,伯利兹堡礁失去了一半的珊瑚。环球旅行网(Journey International)提供一个旅行项目,中间有一站就是伯利兹的热带雨林。游客可以在伯利兹堡礁的岛上三日游,顺便游览玛雅遗址和危地马拉。

    NO.8 Madagascar

    Home to unique species of plants and animals found nowhere else. It is the fourth largest island in the world with a forest ecosystem under peril. There are endemic species that have yet to be recorded.

    NO.9 Florence, Italy

    This romantic city is residence to breathtaking artwork and was once the place where the 'renaissance' flourished. Spectacular sunsets and bright cheerful buildings will have visitors wanting to make their own creative contributions. Culinary delights, the beauty of the city and the spirit of the people revive weary souls.

    NO.10 Budapest, Hungary

    Budapest is known as the "Jewel of the Danube" and has European flair but a truly laid-back atmosphere with fewer tourists than Prague. Visit Buda Hill Castle at night for spectacular views of the city. Unwind in traditional thermal Turkish baths from the 16th and 17th centuries such as Rudas in this "City of Baths".


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