• Echo-SxH     Mr Silly(荒唐先生)

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    He remembered that it was Mr Fool who won the cup.

    Mr Fool is Mr Silly' friend,he won the cup because of a car he invented.

    That was a very ordinary car,what was special was that its wheels were square.

    Wasn't that funny?

    Mr Silly thought and thought,but he failed to think up with any good idea.

    He drank another cup of coffee with jam,but it didn't work.

    So ,he decided to go for a walk.

    He opened the door when he went out ,which he thought could prevent thieves from breaking in(直译)

    (He left the door open when he went out,which he thought would keep the thieves out)(这样翻译更好)

    When he was walking,Mr Silly came across a chick wearing boots and carrying an umbrella.

    Wouldn'it be silly if you didn't wear boots and carry an umbrella,He said to the chick.

    "Meow",said the chick.Animals in Nonsenseland were much different from where you were from.

    1970-01-01   0赞       0踩       26浏览 评论(0)
女 女一号lv48


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