• Echo-SxH     Little Miss Shy

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    It's four pm,there was a lound knock on the door .

    Little Miss Shy quickly hid behind the chair.

    And the door was pushed open.

    Mr Funny walked in.

    "I knew you wouldn't come ".said Mr Funny with a smile,looking at little Miss Shy who was hiding behind a chair.

    "So" he continued,"" I'm coming to pick you up."

    little Miss Shy'face was even more red.

    "Come on",cried Mr Funny seizing her hands , "you would enjoy yourself"

    He walked to the party with Little Miss Shy blushing.

    Everyone was there.

    Little Miss Shy felt


    But ,everyone said hello to her friendly,as the party went on,guess what happened?

    Little Miss Shy felt much better.

    She began to feel happy.

    "I'm right" said Mr Funny laughing.
    Little Miss Shy nodded her head and giggled.

    She had never been so happy.

    Now ,her face was only a little red.

    Do you know who she met on the party?

    It's Mr Quite!

    "I used to be as shy as you "said Mr Quite

    Little Miss Shy looked at him.

    "No way "she giggled

    "Would you like to come to my house to have tea ?" she thought,asking.Mr Quite looked at her.

    "Me?"Mr Quite blushed like a carrot.

    "Having tea ?" his face was more red,like two carrots.

    "Tomorrow?" his face was as red as a bag of carrots.

    Then he fainted.


    1970-01-01   0赞       0踩       12浏览 评论(0)
女 女一号lv48


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