• Echo-SxH     Little Miss Shy

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    Little Miss Shy was too shy to walked out of his house.

    She never went shopping.

    She was terrified at the thought of going into stores to buy things.

    So,she grew something to eat in her garden,and lived a very peaceful life.

    Very ,very ,very peaceful life.


    Miss Little Shy who was having breakfast in the kitchen,was so frightened that she got under the table.

    In fact,it was just the postman who was knocking on the door.

    Was anyone at home? shouted the postman.

    Miss Little Shy who was hiding under the table,covered her ears tightly and closed her eyes .

    1970-01-01   1赞       0踩       57浏览 评论(1)
女 女一号lv48


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