• Echo-SxH     第二天Mr Snowman

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    Christmas Eve was coming.

    That night,children went home earlier ,they wanted to go to bed early and get up early in the morning,so that they could see the gifts from Santa Claus early.

    But,Santa Claus was in trouble on Christmas Eve.

    SantaClaus was trapped because of the he***y snow.

    Hardly could Santa move.

    Because of the snow ,the deer could not pull the sledge full of gifts,which had to be sent to the children.

    "oh,my gosh,what could I do",Stanta was worried.

    Stanta sat on his bag thinking hardly about how he could send all the gifts to children before they woke up.

    "oh,dear""what a mess!" He sighed and shouted anxiously .

    There stood a snowman made by children d***ing the day where Santa was trapped,Which g***e Santa an idea.

    A good idea.

    Very good idea.

    This was indeed a very good idea.

    "Could you help me ?" Santa asked the Snowman.

    Of co***se,the snowman didn't answer,because snowmancouldn't speak,right?

    "oh,yes,I had to use magic to bring him back to life ." Santa thought.

    so he grabbed his white mustache and pulled it three times,and cast sone spells to the snowman.

    Suddenly ,the snowman miraculously came to life

    "Hello,Stanta",said Mr snowman-the snowman' name.

    "If you asked me ,I would say you might be trapped, although you didn't ask,but I still would say that.If you asked me again,I would say you need a hand ,if you understood what I said,I guess you understood ,that's why you give me life and you did it ,so what could I do for you?"

    Mr Snowman ,as you might h***e gathered,was a rather talkative sort of snowman.

    "Yeah!"Stanta laughed and said"let's do it."

    They did what they said.

    Mr snowman pushed the sleigh hardly,and
    finally they get away from where they were trapped.

    Then,they did separate work.

    Mr snowman was responsible for putting each gifts into right bags.

    Stanta'job was sending those gifts ,and made s***e that all bags were put into the right chimneys,so that all gifts could reach their children.

    Mr snowman and Stanta sent Susan a Teddy Bear she wanted .



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    1970-01-01   1赞       0踩       10浏览 评论(0)
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